Get Ready for Student Day!
Get a jump start on the Student Day Competition with this Ansys Simulation Tutorial.
This year we are excited to introduce RF simulation as part of the antenna design competition. Modeling and simulation are an integral part of antenna and RF component design. What better way to learn this valuable skill than apply it? During the 2024 AMTA student competition, computers and software will be provided. Ansys also provides free software for students and educators that may be installed on personal laptops. So, before AMTA student day even begins you can get a jump start on learning simulation to maximize your experience while acquiring engineering skills that will benefit you throughout your career. We have put together a short course customized to this AMTA student day to give you an edge before the competition even begins!

Here is what you need to install the Ansys Electronics Desktop Student Version on your personal computer and access the custom training:
1. Download and register for the free student software from Ansys
2. Download pre-built antenna module
3. Follow along with this video…
By following along in this demonstration, you will be familiarized with RF antenna simulation and learn how it may be used to achieve design requirement goals such as tuned frequency, minimum return loss, and peak gain. In class we will use the software to fabricate a physical antenna that hopefully gives you the winning design.
Looking foward to seeing you in Cincinnati!